What location-scouting is all about:
Be at the right place at the right time !
Media Production
During the last 20 years on Fuerteventura Andreas has participated in many tv- and cinema-productions. He also worked with fashion, sports- and outdoor-wear-companies. (Odlo, Pioneer, Globetrotter . .)
Andreas was participating in media-productions of: German television (ZDF, WDR, SWR, NDR) and print media such as National Geographic, Cosmopolitan, Daily Telegraph, Sunday Times . .
Working for the islands government Andreas has guided numberless press-trips. He also represented Fuerteventura on various travel-fairs.
As location-scout he worked with Olympic Games-Participants and professional athletes like the Danish bicycle-team Saxobank.
You can watch Andreas and the island on:
Tamina auf Fuerteventura | WDR Reisen
Wie wollen wir künftig Urlaub machen - steht der Massentourismus vor dem Aus? | SWR Doku